3 Single Pole Switch. Code changes over the years have required the addition of the ground screw for safety reasons. The following diagrams show each wiring configuration.
Eaton 15 Amp 120-Volt 3-Way Decorator 2 Single-Pole ... (May Santos) They are the only switch labeled "ON" and "OFF" and the only switch with two Basic single pole switch circuit with one light. Single Pole or Three Way Occupancy Sensor Switch with Timer for Large Room. single-pole switch — vienpolis jungiklis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. single pole switch vok. einpoliger Schalter, m rus. однополюсный выключатель, m pranc. interrupteur unipolaire, m … SPST Single pole single throw. Closer inspection reveals that while a single pole switch has two terminals, a three pole switch has three.
Whereas a single pole switch Because a single-pole switch controls a single fixture, it has two fixed positions: on and off.
So a spst has one possible connection, one possible action.
It can serve as an on-off switch, depending on how the circuit is wired. We add new projects every month! The pole refers to the connection, the throw is the action.